Sonntag, Dezember 25, 2005

Skiing and Snowboarding in LA PLAGNE :)

Hey Folks!
Tomorrow I will got to La Plagne in order to have some fun in the snow ;)
I will stay there from 26.12.05 till 02.01.06. When I am back I will inform you about this trip of course and will upload some oictures, too. So hang loose and chil out....
greetz & hf

PS: Merry X-MAS and a F*****g happy new Year.

Samstag, Dezember 17, 2005

Glühwein-evening @ my school :)

There is a Glühwein-evening at my school every year. This event was hold last friday (17.12.05) and it's unique because we are allowed to sell these nice hot drinks which are made out of red vine:) It is organized by our SV, special thx to them. Imo and I went to it really early after our band-practise because I was scaled to sell the drinks from 18.30 till 19.30!!! Because I helped our SV I could drink the hole evening for free, so it was very cheap, sth. like bag-beer for example ;)
But now I talked too much, just chill and let the pictures speak for themselves....
greetz and a have a nice weekend


...and myself on a mission :)

Romatic atmosphere at my school:

Imo, another Flirtmeister ;)

Our chiefs on the barge:

No comment...:

Eichner, the beer-specialist:

Veser, what are you doing ;)

Vivi and Eva:

Franzi looks happy:

Chris, the big boy ;)

Dienstag, Dezember 13, 2005

!!!Santa Claus Party in Mutterstadt!!!

Hey Ho :)
Last friday (09.12.05) there was a big Santa Claus Party in Mutterstadt.
The party-location was near a forest which promised some cold-temperatures, but for a bicycle driver and kayaker it wasn't a problem. The party- team has solved the problems withe the temperatures very well, too: walls made out of plastic and some gas heater promised nearly a carribean feeling. Like every year, 2 dance-floors were presented: A drum and bass room and a mainstream-floor.
All in all it was a nice party, the beer was cheap and we all had a lot of fun.
Especially the way back home offered some suprises :) (I asked myself why my bike is so difficult to controll and wondered about myself that the first gear of my bike seems to be so strong)
Don't forget to look at the pictures ;)
greetzzzz Felix

Look at these shoes, aren't they nice ;)

Ines and Luisa (Macbeth crew):

The Macbeth crew, too :)

Florian is looking serious again, or is he drunken^^:


Johanna and Robin:

Lukes girlfriend: "no she's only a friend of mine"

Mike and Inken after a few alcoholic drinks:

Rinni and myself:

Marcus, a good friend of me:

Niko and Chris, the chillers ;)

Drunken boys are flying around there...

It's time to dance:

Daniel wants to express the success of the party:

Samstag, Dezember 03, 2005

Ultimately, the pictures of the LYON-TRIP

Like I have promised: here they are, the new-developed pictures of the "LYON-HAWAII-WATERLESS-TRIP" :)

greetz and enjoy them

Raoul at the entry-point of Sault Brenaz:

Martini in the hole:

David as well:

And Axel, the Big-Wheel-Man:

Remi perfoming his cartwheels:

David is trying to jump over Hawaii:
(not enough water there )

Fred is going huge:

David surfs Hawaii:
(it only looks like, he flushed :)